Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Breakfast Beat

Anna and Cameron's process piece. Check it out.


Artist Statement:

We set out to capture the music and rhythm of the common breakfast routine. By recording and looping familiar sounds together, we created an entire symphony of sounds that conjure up thoughts of bacon, pancakes, toast, and other breakfast favorites. Some sounds include sizzling bacon, clinking of dishes and silverware, pouring milk, and chewing the finished meal. We set up an external microphone and recorded each sound individually, later piecing it together in Pro Tools to create a cohesive piece of music that mimics the growing intensity of the rush to prepare and consume breakfast in the morning.

This week in class we studied processes and the importance of sound. We watched some videos called “routines” that featured other everyday processes such as the brushing of one’s teeth or eating a chicken. These videos cause us to look deeper at the things we do on a daily basis. We started to wonder, “What is unique about what we do? What is strange or gross or amazing about these everyday processes?” For that reason, we also decided to focus on an everyday process in our video - that of making and eating breakfast. Our purpose was to examine the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

Since our method of creative expression was sound, we decided to look specifically at the beauty of the noises involved in this everyday process. We loved the idea that there is music in everything. We arranged the tones, pitches, and rhythms of different sounds until the end result was nearly musical. Another video we watched in class showed the entire process that went into making a single meal. Processes tend to have the effect of helping us appreciate the end result more. By taking the time to amplify and arrange breakfast sounds into a beat, we now appreciate these sounds more than we might have otherwise. 

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